Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Revenge is sweet

I've become a double-agent of sorts. I've joined Michigan's humor magazine, The Gargoyle and soon I'll enjoy the fruits of my wisdom: I get to interview a former Playboy Playmate and Pet of the Year (I'm unfamiliar with this second honorific but I'm sure it's prestigious). Earlier this year I was passed up on covering Playboy magazine coming to Ann Arbor in search of fresh meat because, as a heterosexual male, I could be biased.
Well hah! Instead of girls from the University trying to get a little photo time I get a one-on-one with someone who's had a lot of time in front of the camera.
And then wrote a book!

Post Script:
I wouldn't mention this for any reason other than the fact that it's insanely bizarre: Recently a girl said she thought -in complete seriousness- that Mahmoud Ahmedinejad was cute. I'd think that any attractive qualities would dissolve when you publicly deny the existence of homosexuals in your country and argue that the Holocaust didn't happen. Racially and ethnically diverse Ann Arbor may be, just don't forget tastes!


jgarfink said...

The Pet of the Year is the equivalent of Playmate of the Year of Penthouse Magazine.
Not quite as prestigious, but pretty decent.

Daniel said...

I'd be happy if she'd been awarded only one of her two accolades.

JadedHack said...

Essentially an MBA and PhD in fuckability.

Daniel said...

no...not essentially. EXACTLY.