Friday, February 8, 2008

An Israeli and a Palestinian walk into a...

An Israeli, a Palestinian plus two come to Ann Arbor. It sounds like a joke but it's actually happening on Wednesday. The Israeli-Palestinian Comedy tour, made up of Yisrael Campbell, Ray Hanania, Aaron Freeman (a veteran of Second City), and Charley Warady, will be performing at the Michigan League. The event is being advertised as one of "Pointing fingers at each other and instead of blaming...laughing. And pointing fingers in indiscriminate directions...and laughing." Despite some shrugs and unenthusiastic sighs from people around me, I think it sounds hilarious and since Ann Arbor and the University of Michigan are actually highly ethnically and racially tense, this could also prove progressive.

1 comment:

JadedHack said...

You know I'm interested in what you say about Michigan being racially and ethnically antagonistic. Has there ever been an investigation of that, either in the paper or academically?