Monday, February 19, 2007

Who Loves the Sun?

"Who loves the Sun? Who cares that it makes plants grow? Who cares what it does since you broke my heart?"
--"Who loves the Sun" by The Velvet Underground

Enter Spring with all its wonder. Enter the cool, refreshing breeze. Enter an ever optimistic Sun. Enter girls in tank tops and summer skirts. Enter frolicking.
It's all so disgusting isn't it?
Despite its reputation, Spring doesn't act as an aphrodisiac uniting otherwise singular souls in long overdue relationships. But it does lift burdens, brighten moods, and lure the populace out of their respective hovels and caves.
A freshman skipped his calculus class to listen to music, soak up the sun, and watch the birds flutter around from the open window of his dorm.
Another freshman was in total awe that Earth once again permitted her to walk the streets without protective covering, "It's absolutely amazing! finally I can walk to class without my face freezing."
Nothing besides the weather changes though. Employees still punch-in in the morning and count the seconds until they can punch out. Students still squeeze in a few more minutes of sleep by slamming their ringing alarms against the wall. The world still turns in the same way it did during Winter. But it's changes like these that make everything a little easier. People need something to celebrate, something to look forward to, something to hate and something to love. Spring is something to both look forward to as it nears and celebrate when it arrives.
A small minority of the local populace, one self-proclaimed complainer among them, are slightly disappointed with the Spring weather. This is it? Just warmer weather, bluer sky, more comfortable journey to and from class?
After years of the same reaction on the same type of day it's probably better to just appreciate it for what it is. If we don't enjoy the good -but not great- day then there are even fewer reasons to look forward and celebrate.
If you can, go forth, lay down your usual desires, worries, and obligations -even for a little bit. Spring is partially wonderful because it's a time of renewal and change for the better. Even as the day to day operations don't change it's still a fine time to change an attitude or behavior.


Rachel said...

It's going to snow here tomorrow. I am jealous of your warm weather.

Unknown said...

Meh... I would disagree... at least for me spring doesnt make things easier... life goes on just the same like you said...maybe its a nerd thing... we stay in all the time so it doesnt make a difference =P although I do agree it is nice not to have exposed body parts be frozen.

Today I was walking to class in my winter coat but I was too hot. SO I took it off and walked around (with SNOW (melting snow) on the ground!!) in a freaking tank top. It was still a little warm. But it was nice. Not easier though. :-/

leopold said...

I was flipping through the book in my poetry lecture today and this poem reminded me of this post. They're talking about very different aspects - of course now I'm having doubts about posting this - oh well. (And this poem sounds familiar to me, so forgive me if we heard it in an assembly or something.)

Spring, by Edna St. Vincent Millay

To what purpose, April, do you return again?
Beauty is not enough.
You can no longer quiet me with the redness
Of little leaves opening stickily.
I know what I know.
The sun is hot on my neck as I observe
The spikes of the crocus.
The smell of the earth is good.
It is apparent that there is no death.
But what does that signify?
Not only under ground are the brains of men
Eaten by maggots.
Life in itself
Is nothing,
An empty cup, a flight of uncarpeted stairs.
It is not enough that yearly, down this hill,
Comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers.

(I think I disagree with this poem rather emphatically. But I do like that last line.)